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U: I saw the piece with and about U on MTV. It bothered me that they said the same old things about U and asked U the same tired questions? Did U expect that? I had hoped that they had grown a little, considering that U have grown so much. Do you feel that it was as much as it could have been? -- Bryan
U: What do you believe was the real reason that Adam never left Eve? -- Alicia
U: Is there any instrument that you cannot play that you wish you could play? Who is your favorite player of that instrument? -- Ar64utopia
U: In creating the song, "We March," did you have the then-upcoming Million Man March in mind? While at the march, I remember hearing several positive references to you and that song; in that it conveyed the spirit of the March. -- Arthur
U: What or who is the inspiration for the song
"Dionne"? I have been rather curious about the title of that song.
U: I recently watched 4 the 1st time the "beautiful strange" video. and after experiencing the "beautiful strange" song I wonder if we will ever C it released...:) it's such a beautiful song that speaks the TRUTH -- npgshy
U: It really touched my heart when I read in a recent interview that God is the most important thing in your life now. How has your relationship with God
changed or influenced the songs your writing these days and do you have plans to ever record a religious album?
U: How come U R so interested in Akhenaten and Nefertiti??
U: How Can I Join The NPG.... Muscially, Literally? -- Edward
U: I am a middle school choral director and a life long fan of the artist. How important was public school music in your life and how do you think it influences the lives of children now? -- Jodie
U: Have U recorded anything in studio with Miles? Will U release it? -- ุster
U: How much involvement do you have in the creations of your album covers?
U: On the single, "Pop Life", what is the significance of the interspersions of (what sounds like) a boxing match? (I have wondered about this for years!)
U: Your clothes are very beautiful. Who makes them, and do you design them yourself? -- Jacqueline
U: I've been married for four years to my soulmate. If marriage is just another contract to you, why did you feel it necessary to get married in the first place? -- Linda
U: At the concerts in Europe I heard U when U told us that jezus died on a stake instead of a cross. Afterwards I overheard discussions about 'what's the truth...'. But is it not more important to know the message he sent instead which item killed him.
U: Whatever happened to the classic track "empty room" and the video shown at the gold experience tour? -- lineafunk
U: Could u, or would u consider adding photos, lyrics or hidden songs 2 the forthcoming cd Rave that can only be found on our cdroms? -- MyaBocca
U: What has made you decide to let someone else produce your work?
U: What is your opinion on the
senseless shootings that occured in Colorado this past spring? What do you
think can be done to make our children feel safer in a place where
they're supposed to learn and get an education?
U: What do you look for in an artist when you do a collaboration, such as the one you may do with Busta Rhymes? Why choose one artist over another? -- Michel
U: Where did the story\Lyrics from the song Pheromone stem from? -- CTM
U: I would like to ask the Artist if he is ever going to release a solo piano album.The reason I'm asking this is that in my opinion his playing of this instrument gets overlooked in some ways. His style reminds me of a cross between Art Tatum and Bud Powell.
U: Over the years you have had a wide variety of musicians play for you, with equally varying degrees of expertise. How do u select musicians for your band(s)? --- Amy
U: Will there ever be another film project? --- cllamont
U: Do you plan on doing a big show for the New Millenium? For the year 2000 and if so where? --- Chris
U: I have a great appreciation for Madhouse, have you considered releasing the album 24 and/or re-recording and re-releasing 8 & 16 as well as continuing to record more Madhouse albums? --- Czer1
U: I understand how the music haunts you and you as a medium for the music, but where does the inspiration for the lyrics come from? How do you specify the appropriate lryics for a song? --- Jeffrey Ullom
U: We know about your religious beliefs, but does it really matter to you what
our beliefs are as long as we love God and have God in our lives? Sometimes
it seems to me like religion causes seperation from the start, all that
should matter is that we love God!
U: I was wondering if you are planning releasing a live CD? --- HUFF2502
U: Can you name some of the trax on the forthcoming rave un2 the joy fantastic cd? --- PiePie1976
U: R there any plans to continue the release of ROADHOUSE GARDEN? --- Arc1Love
U: My girlfriend of 11 months and I first met online in discussion of your gun mic. Since you are obviously opposed to violence and promote peace, what is the positive significance and meaning of your gun microphone? --- Joe Kelley
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