The Child
A Poem
Cussing Law Updated
Sum Ting Wong
100 People
Strong Woman vs. A Woman of Strength
Bassist Plays It Neutral
Striking Presidential Recollection
excerpt from USAmemoirs
The Pants
The facts speak 4 themselves...
Rescuing Hug
this washed up in r mailbox and we'd like 2 share:

Music Execs-They have to stop doing it!

And once again
He's known as Prince

Not just the Artist
Ever since

Out from under the thumb
He broke free
Reclaiming his rightfull identity

I don't understand the reason behind
Trying to keep down a man of his kind

It may be greed or it may be pride
So behind fake smiles and lawyers they hide

Every man should get what he deserves
Regardless of colour or lack of nerve

This old school theory of judging race
Has fallen far behind of modern pace

So in the future they will die off
To be replaced with opposing thought

By John Crispi