The Child
A Poem
Cussing Law Updated
Sum Ting Wong
100 People
Strong Woman vs. A Woman of Strength
Bassist Plays It Neutral
Striking Presidential Recollection
excerpt from USAmemoirs
The Pants
The facts speak 4 themselves...
Rescuing Hug
this washed up in r mailbox and we'd like 2 share:

Sum Ting Wong

A Chinese couple named Wong had a new baby.
The nurse brings them over a lovely, healthy, bouncy,
definitely Caucasian white baby boy!

"Congratulations," says the nurse to the new parents.
"What will you name the baby?"

The puzzled father looks at his new baby boy and says,
"Well, two Wong's don't make a white,
so I think we will name him
Sum Ting Wong"