Category: NPG Music Club




Prince's Official Site, the NPG Music Club

NPG Music Club ’04-’06

Since 2003 the site had been a “virtual estate” that fans could explore and find things to click on, but in the 2004 version, we started to bring in elements to the “virtual estate” to make it easier to navigate. Instead of only going through a space we called the Foyer and clicking on stairwells […]

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NPG Music Club 2003

Entering in to it’s third year at the start of 2003, Prince completely revamped the NPG (New Power Generation) Music Club website and started what would become the model for the site going forward. Instead of a simple web interface, Prince created a “virtual estate” that was to be an online home to the members […]

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Prince's Official Site, the NPG Music Club

NPG Music Club 2002

IN 2002, The NPG (New Power Generation) Music Club evolved into its next phase and began year two. The MP3 download service was discontinued, and the Members instead were offered four CDs that were sent to them in the mail. The best Prince Concert tickets continued to be available in exclusive presales for the Members […]

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Prince's Official Site, the NPG Music Club

NPG Music Club v2

The NPG (New Power Generation) Music Club first launched with a software player/download manager. But after about a month, it was decided that the player was just a bit too complicated. Our audience was having trouble getting it to work, and it was turning in to a real headache. So instead we decided to launch […]

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NPG Music Club v1

The very first version of the NPG (New Power Generation) Music Club launched on February 14, 2001. The Club first took the form of a downloadable player that would act as your download manager as well as media player. The fan would install the player on their harddrive, and then by joining the NPG Music […]

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